Crouton Bot Canary

Introducing: Crouton Bot Canary!

Crouton Bot Canary is a public development build for Crouton Bot. All commands which are in development will be built here before a stable release will be made to normal Crouton Bot.

Help us hunt bugs and try out unreleased features today by adding Crouton Bot Canary to your development server!

Crouton Bot Canary has a different prefix ‘++’ so you can have Crouton Bot and  Canary in the same server without any issues!

Crouton Bot Canary Exclusive Commands

++report     Report bugs directly to the Crouton Bot development team! (You can also send us a screenshot link as well if possible!)

++stats     Debug Canary statistics to track memory usage and guild count

Crouton Bot Canary offers every other command Crouton Bot currently offers, except Canary will not be able to ban, unban or kick users.

Latest Canary Update:

Canary 1.3.2

Added 3 new Developmental commands ++motd ++addmotd ++deletemotd

MOTDs is a new experimental feature which allows you to store messages and let your users view them.

Syntax (currently):

++motd <title>

Note: ++motd will list all MOTDs in your server if sent without a title

++addmotd <title> <description...>
++deletemotd <title>


Minor patches


What does Crouton Bot Canary offer?

We offer commands that are under development to be tested by the public and allow users to report bugs and help us make new features for Crouton Bot. Please note that the commands that are in Development on Crouton Bot Canary are most likely unstable and prone to break.

Do I need to use Crouton Bot Canary?

Not at all! We only want users who will test our new features and help us squash bugs to use Crouton Bot Canary. If you only want to use normal, stable Crouton Bot features, please continue using Crouton Bot.

Will Crouton Bot Canary be Open-Source?

Unfortunately, we do not want to have Crouton Bot Canary as an Open Source Project because we do not want users copy, or ‘fork’ Crouton Bot’s code, and create unnecessary clones or market for bots like Crouton Bot. We rely on our development team entirely for the development of Crouton Bot to ensure the best quality and management of Crouton Bot.

Do I have to sign up to use Crouton Bot Canary?

No! You can start using Canary now, and contribute to help us improve Crouton Bot for everyone!

Ready to try out Crouton Bot Canary?

Invite Crouton Bot Canary!